Meet Sonja Silver

First of all, I love her name Sonja Silver. Sonja is the owner of : Sonja – clothes to live in.    She used to have her shop in proctor. Sonjia now runs her business out of her home, by appointment only. Sonja welcomed me with a big smile, and was very easy to talk to. Learn more about Sonja below!

Name: Sonjia 


How would you describe your buisness?

My purpose is to make shopping a pleasure. Cater to people who are busy, but have playful lives. Its for people who are busy, but want to look put together. I sell contemporary, comfortable, and minimalistic clothes. I like to promote a beautiful, useful, and small wardrobe. I want people to be able to get a lot of mileage out of their wardrobe. 

Best part of your business

The relationships. I love working one on one with people. I also love the problem solving aspect as well. 

Most challenging part of your buisness

You can’t make every one happy and thats okay

Do you shop frequently at your store?

My shop is what I wear. I will see some brands that friends will wear and then carry it at my shop. 

Describe yourself in 4 words

Resilient, resourceful, creative, and present

Are you from Tacoma? Do you live here now?

Yes I am from Tacoma. Both sets of grandparents settled here from Norway. Both of my parents were born in Tacoma as well. I now live in the stadium district.

Favorite restaurant in Tacoma

Over the moon cafe 

Favorite bar in tacoma

Top of Tacoma

Favorite coffee shop  in Tacoma

Olympia Coffee

Favorite activity in Tacoma

Walking. I walk every morning at 5:15 with a friend.

Describe your sense of humor


Introvert or extrovert

Introvert who can do extrovert

What does your favorite outfit look like?

Knit dress, boots, and great sweater

Do you have pets?

I have a Chihuahua named pepito

Favorite travel destination


Are you married, kids ect

Not married. I have a 28 year old daughter.

What does your average weekend look like?

In the Summer : Walking, hiking, and camping 

In the Winter :Walking, reading books, Hagge, building fires

Do you have any hobbies?

Make jewelry, Crafting, Writing, Camping 

Do you prefer flowers or plants?

Flowers : Cosmos ( for their long blooming season), sweet peas and Peonies.

Favorite holiday movie

Its a wonderful life

Do you have any family traditions?

Baking Lefse a Norwegen desert 

Do you give back to Tacoma? If you don’t what would you give?

I do a lot of volunteering with the NW furniture bank. The NW furniture bank helps people who are – kids aging out of foster care, and people who are homeless trying to get back on their feet. The clients work with a case worker. The NW furniture bank gives them furniture for: a place to eat, a place to sit, and a place to sleep. They also have a wonderful mattress recycling program as well. 

I also created a group called Babe. Babe creates strong community connections with local women business owners and entrepreneurs.  

Tell me a story

I went to Paris with my daughter for Mothers Day. I was on the Metro. I had bumped into a man on the metro on accident. He tried to make a connection with me, and assure me everything was okay. He bumped into me again, which I thought was weird. I looked down, and noticed that all three of my zippers of my cross body were opened. I was carrying a bright orange pencil pouch as my wallet. It was missing. It had everything in it – my passport, change for the public restrooms, and all my money. The man was about to get off at the next stop. It was one of those moments where I could have done nothing, or I could do something. I did something. I grabbed the man in a bear hold, and started screaming at him. He dropped my wallet. I got my wallet back, and had a great mothers day. 

Sonja is so kind, and so easy to talk to. She was so much fun to interview. I need to get in for an appointment at her store. Who doesn’t want clothes to live in? As a mom, I definitely want clothes to live in 🙂 `

Until Next time,

Maggie ❤


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